Monday, 4 July 2016

12 - Happy Fourth of July!

I wish I were in New York City right now… or in Boston, like my sister.

Globalization grants us permission to celebrate this big day in any country outside the United States of America. Even though the differences are remarkable, indeed, many will head to the store Taste of America to purchase the ingredients to prepare an “Independence Day recipe”, to inspire the patriotic spirit. Others, myself included, will participate in one of those events in which the red, blue and white will mark the appearance of the participants. The biggest event on the American calendar cannot be forgotten by the lovely Spaniards, who give shelter to hundreds of Yankees (colloquial term used in Spain to define someone from the Northern part of the US) every year.

Who wouldn’t resist living the American dream for one day with a Spanish twist?

Having praised the American super big holiday I must add that Spaniards have fourteen days off per year, in addition to the government-stipulated holiday period of twenty-two days. Nobody knows how to celebrate our traditions like we do. One will definitely find less flags, very few red and yellow t-shirts and no Spanish National anthem in the streets. However, the visitor won´t be disappointed by our folk music, sangria and tapas, beautiful traditional costumes, popular games, delicious pastry, etc...

I would like to mention the event held on my birthday, 24th June, at midnight: the bonfires of Saint John (Hogueras de San Juan). It is a popular festival that takes place during the shortest night (23rd) and continues during the longest day of the year (24th) to welcome the Summer´s solstice. During St John´s eve fireworks illuminate the sky and bonfires the earth. The experience gets even more intense when the clock strikes twelve, just before the music resonates in our ears, the brave young people gather together to jump over the bonfires. Such an heroic deed has a purifying symbolism, burning the problems away, although I have always done it for the thrill of my birthday party.

We Spaniards make a big deal of all our celebrations, being a core element of our culture. Make sure, then, not to miss them if you come along to my country! At any time of the year there will always be something going on!

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